
One Seed Sown Produces a Harvest of Many

2 Ways To Give

All Donations are tax deductible. 

1. Online Giving - Type in Amount, Select Fund and Frequency

2. Mail checks into our PO Box  - Payable to  "TOHH"

Tree of Hope Haiti
P.O. Box 344
Athol, MA 01331

New Child Sponsorship?
Steps for Signing Up Below:

  1. Giving Online (
  2. Enter the total amount in dollars based on the # of children you Sponsor. (Example: $40.00 for one sponsorship per month, $80.00 for 2 sponsorships per month)
  3. Click on Fund and select "Child Sponsorship"
  4. Under Frequency, select "Monthly"
  5. Select a Start Date
  6. Click the "Continue" button
  7. Then Click on "Create an account"  (this is to verify your email and allow recurring donations, You do not need to do this if you pay "One-time" $480/child sponsorship)
  8. Add Payment info (Card or Bank account)
  9. Check the box if you would like to cover processing fees or not
  10. Click on "Add a note" and list your child/children's names
  11. Click on the Give and you are done!  Thank You!